I originally had a much longer introduction but I decided to shorten it after completing the list. Here’s the simple point I want to make: None of has it all together by ourselves. Our world has been built on the shared knowledge and experiences of past generations. Our world will continue to grow and develop with the new knowledge and insights being discovered and learned today. But many of us stop learning. Whether it be learning from our own experiences or learning from others. I get frustrated when I think about that because the old lesson is so true, “ Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” And we are repeating history alright. Making the same mistakes or, some would even say, worse mistakes. I get frustrated but then again I know I often have the same stubbornness and arrogance that most of us human beings have. So for me, I always try to read. It helps me to stay humble. It helps me to think of things I couldn’t think of on my own, and as a result I start to s...